Affordable Family & Individual Dental Plans

Quality Assured Dentists - Clear Costs

We are glad you are here.

To our Plan Members:

Your Participating Dentist or Specialist will provide covered dental services consistent with state and local emergency directives related to the Corona Virus pandemic. Consult with your dentist or specialist to determine if your routine or emergency dental care can be provided using appropriate dentistry methods.

Welcome to Dental Health Services, providers of affordable, quality dental plans. You are in the area for individuals and families. Learn about SmartSmileSM and Super SmartSmileSM dental plans, our Quality Assurance Guarantee, and our great member benefits. All plans carry excellent orthodontia and denture benefits as well.

If you're already a Dental Health Services member, sign up for an Online Account to get access to view and update your dental plan from the web.

If you're not a member yet, explore the value of a SmartSmileSM dental plan, search our dentist directory, and learn more about how you can enroll today!

If you prefer to speak a language other than English, we offer free translation services to help people understand their coverage and treatment. For more information, call your bilingual Member Service Specialist at 800-637-6453. You can also click here for Language Assistance information in your language.

Click Here to Read our Non-Discrimination Notice

Individual SmartSmilesm

Affordable, flexible, individual dental coverage.

Enroll Online Today »

Dentist Search

Quickly Find a Dentist in Oregon, California or to search our PPO directory, search now

For Washington Dentists, click here.


From their own mouth.

"I recommend this coverage to everyone I know with and without dental benefits."
- Susan Ackerman - Member

Read more testimonials »


If you have any questions or concerns regarding your dental plan and you have attempted to receive an answer or resolution from your Dental Health Services' Member Services Specialist, you are invited to click the link above and your issue will receive additional review.