Contact Us

We're happy to help answer your questions.

We are glad you are here.

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If you would like more information about joining our network, please contact us.  In California call 800-223-4347 or In Washington or Oregon call 800-223-4347.

Patient Eligibility Verification Hotline

Access eligibility information for your Dental Health Services members - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - by calling our NEW, toll-free Patient Eligibility Verification Hotline: 844-885-4782. Be sure to have your Participating Dentist Number and Online Login Code to use all of the features available.


Dental Health Services
3780 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 750
Long Beach, CA 90806
Main Phone: 562-595-6000
Fax: 562-424-0150

Dental Health Services
100 West Harrison Street
Suite S-440, South Tower
Seattle, WA 98119
Main Phone: 206-633-2300
Fax: 206-624-8755

Preferred method of reply:

Interested in Contracting for:    

Currently accepting managed care plans:        


800.63.SMILE or 800.637.6453



Broker - Insurance Producers



WA: 800.400.0347

CA: 800.223.4347



From their own mouth.

"They are the perfect liaison between Practice and Patients. In addition to offering excellent provider services they have a great product for the patient's insurance needs."
- Camille Moore - Palm Desert Dental Center

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